The examples of vTaiwan and participatory budgeting in Venezuela demonstrate that the people can make better governing decisions in a true democracy than the politicians make as representatives. Furthermore, the decisions would be made for the people, not for the special interests and those with enough money to buy influence whom the politicians actually represent. Nor could companies feed at the federal trough obscured by giant omnibus bills and programs based on ideology. At the very least, it would eliminate much of the corruption, favoritism, and hidden agendas and give each of us a voice in determining solutions.
The key is that the process guides citizens to solve one issue at a time through a collaborative process, facilitated by the Federal Council over that area of responsibility. Citizens would start where they are with their bias, discover their needs and the needs of others, develop empathy for others, become informed, and then switch into collective problem solving mode. If our Collaborative Democracy would not be any better, it certainly couldn't be any worse!