Your voice matters!
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Here's why it matters

The changes we propose that create Federal Councils and Citizen Governance Websites will require an amendment to update the Constitution.

If you haven't read the book yet to understand how these changes will solve the root cause of our political divide and other dire issues, the book is available in all formats on Amazon.

Amendment requirements

Amending the Constitution requires the vote of two thirds of the members of each chamber of Congress.
(The President is not involved in Constitutional amendments and cannot veto them.)

After passing Congress, it requires a confirmation vote by the legislatures in three-fourths of the states.


Our stealth grassroots strategy to get the votes we need

To pass our Constitutional amendment, We The People must elect members of Congress who will support it.

We will choose qualified candidates from our supporters in each district to run for Congress and state legislatures as write-in candidates.

As soon as we have enough supporters to win Congress, we will notify you of the exact candidate name to write in on your ballot.

We will include a picture of the ballot with the name entered to avoid possible confusion along with the candidate's bio and statement.

You would not need to worry that voting for our "third party" candidate would cause your party to lose because we would not ask you to vote until we had enough supporters to win the necessary districts. There would be no advantage to running a candidate before we knew we could win.

For more information on the details of our plan, read Chapter 17 in End Politics Now.


What we need to win

We will have enough votes to win if we get the contact information and zip code from 40% of the voters like yourself in 38 states who will vote for our state and federal candidates. Our grassroots strategy could be more effective than spending millions of dollars in advertising.

The key to our entire movement is for you to write in our candidates

Without your vote, there is no movement. To enable you to vote, we must notify you when our candidates are running in your district. To notify you, we must have your contact information. That is why we're asking you to sign up for notifications.

Select from four types of notifications

When you sign up for notifications, you select the type of communications that you want to receive from the following options.

  • Candidates in my voting district that support a Constitutional amendment for a Collaborative Democracy
  • Updates on the Citizen Governance Website development and the release of new issues
  • Updates on the End Politics Now movement
  • New blog articles

We promise you that we will not spam you with excessive emails or pleas for contributions. We will only notify you according to the notification options you select when you sign up. If you change your mind, you can completely unsubscribe or change your notification options at any time. Your email address will never be shared with any other entity, ever.

Please sign up for notifications now.
Will you join us?

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Together, We The People can change our country for the better

Copyright © 2024 Brent R. Naseath All rights reserved.