References by Chapter

7. The Fix for Our Political System

  1. R. Buckminster Fuller > Quotes > Quotable Quote, Goodreads, Goodreads, Inc. [return]

  2. A. The Trouble with "Public Bodies": On The Anti-Democratic Rhetoric of The Federalist [ch 2 ref 1] [return]
    Additional references:
    B. Enemyship: Democracy and Counter-Revolution in the Early Republic, by Jeremy Engles, Nov 1, 2010, Michigan State University Press. [return]
    C. American Sovereigns: The People and America's Constitutional Tradition Before the Civil War, by Christian G. Fritz, Apr 27, 2009, Cambridge University Press. [return]
    D. The Suppression of American Revolutionary Populism [ch 2 ref 8] [return]
    E. The Framers' Coup: The Making of the United States Constitution, [ch 2 ref 12B] [return]
    F. The Founding Fathers’ Power Grab: Was the Constitution designed to make the United States less democratic?, [ch 2 ref 12A] [return]

  3. The Trouble with "Public Bodies": On The Anti-Democratic Rhetoric of The Federalist [ch 2 ref 1] [return]

  4. Ibid, pg 25 [return]

  5. Ibid, pg 1 [return]

  6. Ibid, pg 3 [return]

  7. Ibid, pgs 7-10 [return]

  8. The difference between a constitutional republic and a democracy, by editorjp, Dec 9, 2019, Mississippi Valley Publishing. [return]

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