17. Our Implementation Plan

Key takeaways from this chapter

To convert our representative governing process to a Collaborative Democracy governing process, we must amend the Constitution. To pass the amendment, we must elect our own candidates. We must win a majority of seats in the legislatures of at least three-fourths of the states and two-thirds or more of the seats in both chambers of Congress. In short, we would need 1 in 4 adult citizens in the US to vote for our candidates in at least 38 states.

Our best strategy is a grassroots plan.

  1. Spread the word person to person, from friend to friend, and through key influencers and PR

  2. Build a list of supporters who sign up for notifications on our website

  3. Build a list of candidates for each voting district who agree in writing to institute our Collaborative Democracy

  4. When we have enough supporters to win the elections, send messages to the supporters of who to vote for

Your help is all we need. Your choice will determine the future of our country. Together, we can change our country and the world for the better. Our path of a Collaborative Democracy is frightening because we have been so indoctrinated to believe in hierarchy, to trust those in charge. But hierarchy controls by force, manipulation, and lies. We must trust ourselves to solve our problems together and to stand together against the power elite and the political parties and politicians that they fund and control.

I've explained collective intelligence as the power behind our new democratic solution process. It is based on judgement. We do not have to wait. We can exercise our collective intelligence now. You can use your judgement as one of the citizens of our country and decide if you think this process would be better than what we have experienced from the power elite and the political parties.


Please join us!


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To participate in solving actual national issues through our pilot Citizen Governance Website:



Can you think of a better solution to the root cause of rule by the power elite and political parties? Can you think of other suggestions to improve our solution? If so, please go to our website and let me know! We can refine the solution or the process.


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